Friday, November 02, 2012

Drug therapy for OSA?

Generally drug therapy for OSA has had little evidence or pathophysiological leads for successful interventions. This study, albeit using the weight loss route with AHI end points, has shown good effect and warrants attention as far as treatment for overweight OSA goes.

Premies have more OSA

Who would've guessed someone would do such a study much less the fascinating results? It makes you think why Premies would be more at risk of OSA later on in childhood when they've caught up with their term counterparts. Does being prem predispose to adenoids? Is it retarded lower face craniofacial growth? Or some kind of local oropharyngeal neuropathy?

Portable monitoring for truckers - good or bad?

It's interesting that this article cites loss of data and loss to follow up as problems with portable monitoring vs full PSGs. My own instinct about this is to go with PM as a screening tool to increase detection and safety for public. But let's see how this debate plays out..